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Have you ever wondered what the big deal is about taking full responsibility for your life? The big deal is in the mental shift that you experience. A mental shift from victim to victor. 

Taking responsibility for all your actions is the first step to being in control of your time and your life at large. When you take full responsibility, you are in control. It is easy to blame other folks, but what that really means is that you are not in control.

The interesting thing about this thing called life is that the more you are in control of your life, the happier you feel. This explains the need to understand what is going on and take full responsibility for everything.

 Taking responsibility colours your perspective and makes you see not – so – good situations as an opportunity for things to happen for you. It puts you in charge of your life.

Taking responsibility hands you a choice and that allows you to choose how to respond to life’s challenges. You occupy the driver seat of your life’s journey.

When things go bad, why do you blame others?

The blame game? It is one of the easiest strings anyone can pull. And I doubt if it ever gets anyone what they want in life.

Whether it’s another person’s fault or not, you have to always take full responsibility for what is happening because you are the primary creative for your own life: it puts you at cause and not at effect.

I have highlighted 3 strategies you can deploy to put an end to playing the blame game:

  • Due Diligence

One of the reasons you play the blame game is because you feel unhappy about the situation. It is quite necessary that you do the things that make you feel happy. Listen to your favourite music, surround yourself with beauty, express your creativity, help people, be kind to others, create the memories you want. Be intentional about doing life.

Fun fact: You have one life. That you are living in the moment is the justification to make the best of it to redeem the past and create the future you want.

It’s interesting to note that the last few minutes is history and what the next 60seconds hold cannot be predicted.

If you want to translate the opportunities you have into long lasting legacies, you need to be mindful of your choices.

Our options may be things, but a choice—a choice is an action.

~ Greg McKeown

If you really want to stay true to your resolve to stop the blame game, be at alert. Be certain of what you want. Guard your heart jealously. Protect your interest and be intentional about monitoring your thoughts.

  • Good Thinking

Line of thoughts you should avoid:

  • Assuming that everything is about you.
  • Blaming others when things turn out badly.
  • Taking any form of disagreement as a personal attack.

Keeping this kind of ideas is a good way to keep up with the blame game and to take responsibility for your life is to take responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, speech and action.

It remains the basic structure on which majority of your experience as a human is built: you create your life with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

You take responsibility when you accept that the thoughts you conceive, are yours.

  • thoughts are conceived as a result of the kind of information you feed your mind with;
  • thoughts come from your
  • emotions triggered is a result of your thoughts;
  • the words you speak come from your mouth;
  • the actions you take and inactions are your own doing.

In clear words: nobody can make you think, feel, say or do anything except you allow it.


  • When things are not going as planned, instead of zooming out and complaining, focus on the bigger picture. Find yourself an issue to milk to your advantage or a take – home lesson.
  • Don’t blame anyone for any misfortune (even when it is crystal clear that they messed up) This is your life. On your own terms, find yourself a role and be sold out to fixing the issue.
  • Seek to understand others. Carefully consider the intention behind people’s action before you judge. Instead of making assumptions, ask questions.

This is good thinking.

  • Note – Taking

The way you do life is a product of your decision. Happiness or dejection, the gateway to unlocking even more is in gratitude for the seemingly little things.

It is equally important that you keep a journal. Helps you document your journey and provides an opportunity to monitor your progress. If you’ve ever kept a journal, you will agree with me that you’d find lots to be happy about when you look back.

Do you think there are other ways to stop the Blame Game?

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