+2348165310675 jibsss@ajiboladiipo.com

I know of two ways you can revamp your network: link up with people individually and join organizations. Some of your best networking contacts will come from one on – one relationship: your next-door neighbor, your colleague at work, that random person who followed you or liked your content on social media, your cousin in Isale Osun. You find these people, or they find you, even outside the scope of a formal organization. Selecting those you allow I your space will give you an edge. Keep in mind the time and resources you have to invest and your goals.

Size Your Network

There is no magic number for the size of your network. If ten people think of you when a certain kind of expertise is needed, speak well of you to their colleagues, and consider you a source of advice and information, you may have an excellent network: depending on your current situation and goals.

If you are in a fix and you are scared of the inevitable or you are contemplating to have a fresh start, then you need to be more strategic in ensuring that the size of your network fits your need. I will strongly recommend that you become active in a sizeable number of groups. Whether religious, cultural, health, or professional in nature. See them as networking opportunities. Permit me to burst your brain: this is not limited to groups with physical meetings.

Link Up One – On – One

Your personal network will include people from different origins. You may forge strong alliances with: relatives, people who provide services to you, lecturers, coworkers and bosses (past and current)

Often than not I am busy enjoying the serendipitous connections that life sends my way. However, there is more to linking up with people. See every accidental meeting as an opportunity to explore new ideas, trades, and markets.

Joining the Student Christian Movement of Nigeria at the University of Ibadan remains one of the best decisions I have made in my life. It was at the SCM that I learnt that regardless of whoever you need to know somebody you know most likely knows them. Literarily, if you know 10 people on a first name basis, and they know ten other people, you have access to 100 contacts. The multiplier effects. Phew! You can link up anybody. Of course, the range and quality of your contacts matters. This is why selecting those you allow into your space will give you an edge that will drastically affect your ability to use the it’s a small world phenomenon to identify resources and opportunities. The possibilities are limitless. Sadly, your time and money are not.

Join Organizations

The previous paragraph was a hint. Joining organizations is the best way to build relationships with a multitude of people and expand your personal and professional network by creating instant Associates. For any given interest, job type, industry or business, you’ll have many possible groups to choose from.

It is however important that you make strategic choices about where to network.

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